Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Law #2

Never ever never ever EVER never wear spaghetti strap shirts in public.

Origin: So I'm going with my love Eden to Wal Mart. I was wearing this long shrug thing over a spaghetti strap shirt, but before we got out of the car I wanted to sport just the strappy shirt. This is the first time I ever sported this kind of shirt in public so I was a little nervous. Well I had good reason to be on edge about this ensemble choice, because ten minutes into our adventure, we are approached by a fast talker. Not only was he flirting up a katrina-like storm, he was trying to sell us magazines. This was no short conversation mind you (not that we were doing much of the talking). So at the end of his conversation, the creeper gave me his number (no thanks), and we proceeded on our journey. I guess the dude was making his rounds through that whole super store, because we kept running into each other and I wanted nothing more than to just get out.

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